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Apr, 2024

Sad news: Tony Ruscitto

GVLL Community, 

With deep sadness and a heavy heart, I write to let you know that our longstanding Board  Member and dear friend, Tony Ruscitto, passed away yesterday.  

I first met Tony ten years ago during Summer Ball. He took my 7 year old twins (and me, a  fledgling little league groupie mom) under his wing.  That summer, we spent evenings  coordinating and managing pick-up games between an unwieldy group of little league kids  from varying levels (many of whom are now in college or heading there shortly).  

Tony was 
 such a dedicated, thoughtful and warm human being.  

He loved youth baseball with every
 fiber of his being.  The passion he had for the game of baseball was contagious.  It got me  hooked.  Everyone loved being around Tony, kids and adults alike.  He was authentic.  What you saw was what you got.

He was generous with his time and a true mentor. 

Long after his kids graduated from Little League, he stay involved with Greenwich Village  Little League coordinating our Juniors program, alongside Frank Saracino, while also  managing a team in the Fall and Spring. He also worked side-by-side Mike Schneider for  over a decade running our Fall Ball Instructional program at Pier 40 on Sunday mornings  for our T-Ball, Jr. Minors and Minors kids. He helped launch and run our Summer Ball program while also managing a team. 

He was ALL IN for GVLL.  He was one of the  people who gave this organization its soul.  We will all miss his warm (slightly mischievous)  smile, raspy voice, and his brand of leadership and compassion. 

Details regarding his funeral service are as follows:

The wake will be held at the Provenzano-Lanza Funeral Home (43 2nd Ave) on Wednesday 4/10 between 4:00-8:00PM

The mass will be held at St. Monica-St. Elizabeth-St. Stephen of Hungary Church (413 E 79th St) on Thursday 4/11 at 10AM

ToniAnn Bonade
GVLL, President

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