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Support GVLL With a Sponsorship!

GVLL invites you to support the league by becoming a sponsor for the 2025 Spring season!  All GVLL sponsors at the Home Run level and above will be the designated sponsor of at least one team or division.  There are multiple levels of support available, each with a corresponding level of exposure to our community of 1,000+ local families. 

Becoming a sponsor is easy!

1. Review the sponsorship levels below and select the one that is right for you!

2. Click this link to complete your Sponsor information form

3. Follow the instructions provided at the end of the form to access our Paypal payment portal. 

Our exclusive sources of income –– income required to pay for balls, bats and safety equipment, for team uniforms, trained umpires, trophies and need based scholarships for qualifying children –– are our modest registration fees, and the fully tax-deductible donations from our sponsors. Not a fan of online forms? Have questions? Email [email protected].

2025 Sponsor Levels:

Home Run Sponsor $900 ($810 if you sign up before 12/1) 

  • Team plaque
  • Sponsor logo on website
  • Adult large team jersey
  • Sponsor name on the back of one Spring team’s jerseys
  • Sponsor logo & link to company in rotating banner at bottom of all webpages and on the “our sponsors” webpage.

Grand Slam Sponsor $1,600 ($1,440 if you sign up before 12/1) 
Everything that a Home Run Sponsor receives PLUS:

  • Name recognition on Opening Day Banners
  • Featured additional logo placement on homepage rotator
  • 1 x post on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts.  Can either be a "thank you" post or a post promoting an offer from your business.

Opening Day Sponsor $2,500 ($2,250 if you sign up before 12/1)
Everything that a Grand Slam Sponsor receives PLUS:


  • Sponsor name on the back of TWO Spring team’s jerseys
  • Logo placement on Opening Day banners

Division Sponsor $5,000 ($4,500 if you sign up before 12/1)
Everything that an Opening Day Sponsor receives PLUS:

  • Sponsor logo and name on the sleeve of EVERY Spring team's jersey in a single divisionProminent logo placement on homepage rotator
  • Email blast to over 1,000 GVLL families, featuring all sponsors at the division level and above
  •  2 x posts on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts.  Can either be a “thank you” post or a post promoting an offer from your business
  • Prominent logo placement on Opening Day banners

MVP Division Sponsor: $7,500 ($6,750 if you sign up before 12/1)
Everything that a Division Sponsor receives PLUS:

  • Sponsor name and logo on gym bags provided to each player in one of the league’s divisions (your choice) and two gym bags to the sponsor
  • Special recognition at the Opening Day festivities3 x posts on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts.  Can either be a “thank you” post or a post promoting an offer from your business

Challenger Team Sponsor (inquire)

  • Prominent logo placement on Opening Day banners
  •  Prominent logo placement on homepage rotator
  • Email blast to over 1,000 GVLL families, featuring all sponsors at the division level and above
  • Special recognition at the Opening Day festivities
  • 3 x posts on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts.  Can either be a “thank you” post or a post promoting an offer from your business

Designated Hitter Sponsor ($350)

  • Sponsor logo on GVLL website



Logo & link to company in rotating banner at bottom of each webpage and on the “our sponsors” webpage X X X X X X
Team plaque  X X X X X X
Adult Large team jersey   XX X X X X
Sponsor name on the back of Spring team’s jerseys  1 1 2 2 2 all GVLL Challenger jerseys
Name recognition on Opening Day banners   X X X X X
Featured additional logo placement on homepage rotator    X X X  X   X
Social Media! Post on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts.  Can either be a “thank you” post or a post promoting an offer from your business  11233
Brand Visibility! Prominent logo placement on Opening Day banners.    X X
Featured Email! Email blast to over 1,000 GVLL families, featuring all sponsors at the division level and above        X   X  X 
Brand Spotlight! Sponsor logo/name on the sleeve of EVERY Spring team's jersey in a single division     X X 
Brand Spotlight! Special recognition at the Opening Day festivities.
 X X
SWAG! Sponsor name and logo on gym bags provided to each player in one of the league’s divisions and two gyms bags to the Sponsor      X 

Greenwich Village Little League is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Our federal E.I.N. is 13-3577081 and we are a chartered member of Little League Baseball Incorporated of Williamsport, PA. We are covered under their FEDERAL GROUP EXEMPTION NO. 3158. Our charter number is 232-23-16.

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