Home Run Sponsor $900 ($810 if you sign up before 12/1)
- Team plaque
- Sponsor logo on GVLLNYC.com website
- Adult large team jersey
- Sponsor name on the back of one Spring team’s jerseys
- Sponsor logo & link to company in rotating banner at bottom of all gvllnyc.com webpages and on the “our sponsors” webpage.
Grand Slam Sponsor $1,600 ($1,440 if you sign up before 12/1)
Everything that a Home Run Sponsor receives PLUS:
- Name recognition on Opening Day Banners
- Featured additional logo placement on gvllnyc.com homepage rotator
- 1 x post on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts. Can either be a "thank you" post or a post promoting an offer from your business.
Opening Day Sponsor $2,500 ($2,250 if you sign up before 12/1)
Everything that a Grand Slam Sponsor receives PLUS:
- Sponsor name on the back of TWO Spring team’s jerseys
- Logo placement on Opening Day banners
Division Sponsor $5,000 ($4,500 if you sign up before 12/1)
Everything that an Opening Day Sponsor receives PLUS:
Sponsor logo and name on the sleeve of EVERY Spring team's jersey in a single divisionProminent logo placement on gvllnyc.com homepage rotator
- Email blast to over 1,000 GVLL families, featuring all sponsors at the division level and above
- 2 x posts on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts. Can either be a “thank you” post or a post promoting an offer from your business
- Prominent logo placement on Opening Day banners
MVP Division Sponsor: $7,500 ($6,750 if you sign up before 12/1)
Everything that a Division Sponsor receives PLUS:
- Sponsor name and logo on gym bags provided to each player in one of the league’s divisions (your choice) and two gym bags to the sponsor
- Special recognition at the Opening Day festivities3 x posts on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts. Can either be a “thank you” post or a post promoting an offer from your business
Challenger Team Sponsor (inquire)
- Prominent logo placement on Opening Day banners
- Prominent logo placement on gvllnyc.com homepage rotator
- Email blast to over 1,000 GVLL families, featuring all sponsors at the division level and above
- Special recognition at the Opening Day festivities
- 3 x posts on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts. Can either be a “thank you” post or a post promoting an offer from your business
Designated Hitter Sponsor ($350)
- Sponsor logo on GVLL website
| Designated Hitter $350
| Home Run $900 | Grand Slam $1,600 | Opening Day $2,500 | Division
$5,000 | MVP Division $7,500 | Challenger
Logo & link to company in rotating banner at bottom of each gvllnyc.com webpage and on the “our sponsors” webpage | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Team plaque | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Adult Large team jersey | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Sponsor name on the back of Spring team’s jerseys | | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | all GVLL Challenger jerseys |
Name recognition on Opening Day banners | | | X | X | X | X | X |
Featured additional logo placement on gvllnyc.com homepage rotator | | | X | X | X | X | X |
Social Media! Post on each of the GVLL instagram and facebook accounts. Can either be a “thank you” post or a post promoting an offer from your business | | | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 |
Brand Visibility! Prominent logo placement on Opening Day banners. | | | | X | X | X | X |
Featured Email! Email blast to over 1,000 GVLL families, featuring all sponsors at the division level and above | | | | | X | X | X |
Brand Spotlight! Sponsor logo/name on the sleeve of EVERY Spring team's jersey in a single division | | | | | X | X | |
Brand Spotlight! Special recognition at the Opening Day festivities.
| | | | |
| X | X |
SWAG! Sponsor name and logo on gym bags provided to each player in one of the league’s divisions and two gyms bags to the Sponsor | | | | | | X | |
Greenwich Village Little League is a tax-exempt charitable organization under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Our federal E.I.N. is 13-3577081 and we are a chartered member of Little League Baseball Incorporated of Williamsport, PA. We are covered under their FEDERAL GROUP EXEMPTION NO. 3158. Our charter number is 232-23-16.